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Biden and His Hidden Documents

Posted on Tuesday, January 17, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Basic: “What is good for the goose is good for the gander.” Just like that, the indictment of Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents may be up in smoke. In a remarkable turnabout, President Biden secreted classified documents in his home, office, and garage. Why?  

Biden’s “who me” response, after grandstanding about Trump having a handful of classified documents, is a disgrace. Biden and his Attorney General violated the 4th Amendment, swarmed the former president’s home with guns’ drawn – and now appear complicit in covering something worse.

The Presidential Records Act (PRA) was never intended – look at the legislative history – to allow any administration, let alone a resentful Attorney General or political FBI, to attack their political opposition. But that happened.

Of course, the purpose of the 4th Amendment is to protect Americans from exactly that kind of outrage – never mind preserve our political process from intimidation. What Biden did to Trump is still … breathtaking.

Biden harpooned Trump for having documents he had made available to Justice, kept under lock and key, and never made accessible to anyone. Stunning was the blasé way in which Democrats defended the armed raid, placing those in the former president’s home in palpable fear.

When in American history has a sitting president or attorney general used the power of law enforcement to destroy political opponents, insinuate their criminality, and place them in fear? Never.

Worse, Justice – apparently finding nothing of importance – issued no apology and simply returned the former first family’s passports and medical records. The outrage by Americans was proper.

Now, we get a remarkable turnabout. Unlike the former president, the former vice president had no power to declassify. He did not invite the FBI, DOJ, or then-President Trump to inspect his secreted caches of highly classified documents, hidden in a closet, garage, and “library” with no books. More incredibly, Biden’s secreted documents relate to Ukraine and Iran, adversaries – one of which was investigating his son, until the vice president halted that with a threat.

Not only was the election-year raid on President Trump’s home improper, but we know the FBI in 2020 sought to downplay and suppress coverage of what the Biden family was doing in Ukraine and China. And now we see the White House and Justice Department downplaying recent discoveries in the Biden offices and home. Why?

What is to be made of this? Discovery of Ukraine-related classified documents in the former vice president’s office should be investigated by the FBI and Congress, not just a liberal Maryland former US attorney formerly supported by Maryland’s two Democrat Senators.

Why has this whole inquiry been downplayed? Why no FBI investigation? Were other venues where the former vice president may have hidden documents searched, given the Biden family laptop and Twitter revelations – which imply a financial connection between the Bidens China and Ukraine? We hear no indication of this. Why?

A serious look at what is just and unjust with respect to the former president should be conducted. If the current president, a former vice president who mishandled classified documents, is not aggressively investigated, a great deal is wrong – and Trump cannot be prosecuted for a lesser, purely administrative offense.  

For starters, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander,” which means Biden needs to be scrutinized. Something is very wrong about all this. Where is rule of law? Biden’s strange actions – and weak excuses for those actions – cannot be ignored. If Justice and the FBI will not act, Congress must. Biden… and his hidden documents look increasingly odd.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Robert Charles is a pathological liar.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

Some sheep never see the truth.
This is Brandon’s base.

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

Everyone knows why these documents were in Bidens position, it was so he could make copies in private and give them to his foreign handlers, whether it was the Russian, the Chinese, or whoever, he is fulfilling his commitment to turn over as many secrets as possible for payment for all the money they gave him and his Zero experience son Hunter. Just think about it over the next 2 Years he has the power to de-classify anything he wants and walkout the door, when he is voted or removed from office, he should be strip searched!

1 year ago

I’ll just bet those documents hold the truth about what is happening today. They are all corrupt

1 year ago

I worked for many years in the defense sector with access to quite a lot of classified documentation, including top secret stuff. It was commonly understood that mishandling of classified material would result in loss of my clearance, an investigation, probably loss of my job and possibly imprisonment. I certainly do not condone tolerance of mishandling defense secrets, and am truly appalled that the media reaction to such willful violation of the law by our president is not much more intense and pursuant of truth with a demand for lawful consequences.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

WHY aren’t the scammers below blocked??

1 year ago

In the military we maintain a chain of custody on all classified documents. When you remove a classified document from it’s place of safe storage you sign it out in a log book with your name and date and time you took it. When you are finished with the document you place it back into it’s place of safe storage and sign in back in. Don’t the civilian government do the same thing? Seems like they have poor security for these documents to go missing and on one notices.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Whose in charge of documents?
Who placed them there
Who oversees documents
Why house in Unsecure locales?

1 year ago

The double standard that the left uses is right out of their new playbook. George Orwell’s 1984.

1 year ago

There are huge numbers of “classified” documents that are overly classified. Often to hide embarrassing or even illegal actions of the swamp.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Who pays attorneys hundreds of dollars PER HOUR to move boxes? And do these lawyers have security clearance? Where is the KGB (AKA FBI)?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Terrable ,the U.S. is in such a sorry state. Kyle L.

David Campbell
David Campbell
1 year ago

The raid on Mara Largo was highly suspect and clearly politically motivated. I am comming to the conclusion that this was done because it was known that Biden had removed classified material prior to that, and the raid on Trump was designed to shift attention away so Biden could claim “hey, he did it too” so all would be forgiven, or if Biden went down (a small loss for the Dem’s) Trump would to (Huge loss for the conservative movement). The Left understands the power of accusation and getting that accusation out front; the damage is done even after the truth comes out and the two situations are shown to be completely different.

1 year ago

Our country continues to fall to utter corruption. When will the justice system stop protecting these crooks. Pray!

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

There need to be some indictments for members of the Biden crime syndicate… and Hillary as well. Brandon & Cackles need to step aside at let the Speaker of the House take over. Anyone would be better than these two dishonest nitwits…and BHO and Michele too.

1 year ago

The Dems continue to use and support the double standard issue over many issues. This will continue to plaque the country since the socialist minded architects have taken control of the DOJ and have like minded leadership controlling the military. The majority of the people just sit on their behinds and are letting it happen. Maybe some day, the people will realize their error BUT IT WILL BE TOO LATE.

1 year ago

“Biden is the best President in the history of our country.” Nancy Pelosi. “Stupid is, stupid does.” Foster Grump. I guess all the people that voted for these stupid politicians, caught the stupid and keep on voting for stupid. The definition of stupid is doing stupid things and thinking it won’t be stupid the next time. Rob Carson signs off from his show on Newsmax, “Don’t catch the stupid.” But don’t worry, the Federal Government will save us and take care of everybody with the $31 trillion it’s borrowing from our grandchildren. LET’S GO BRANDON!!!!

1 year ago

Follow the money! How did Biden get so rich on a Senator’s salary? Certainly he didn’t write enough books or give enough speeches to justify his homes and luxurious lifestyle. As Hunter said: Dad got 50% of everything! and not so coincidently,everything came from the adversaries of whom Biden hid Top Secret papers: Iran, Ukraine, Russia and China. Who saw those papers? They were “hidden” in plain sight. And why did UPenn get so many $millions from China?! This needs in depth investigation followed by serious prosecution, no time off for “good behavior.” Will we see Brandon’s dementia suddenly worsen?

John A Bird
John A Bird
1 year ago

There is an ongoing coup taking place and it involves our President, Vice President, Congress, RINOS, DOJ, FBI, Progressive Judges, SCOTUS, etc, etc, etc. They are pushing for the NWO/OWO and if we do not consider and deal with their treason, we will live within a communist nation soon. We the people are the largest army in the world and it’s time we use our power to remove these elites before they totally destroy this nation and the world as we know it.

1 year ago

This all started with Obama and his justice department who decided they could decide what laws could be ignored. This was a very bad precedent and is spreading throughout government. We need to go back to A law is a law until the proper legislation changes it and hold to the fact that no one is above the law.

1 year ago

Just read that Rep Comer recommended that since no visitors logs are maintained at Biden’s Delaware residence that security video should be subpoenaed by FBI. Would be interesting to see just what was going on with those documents next to his corvette. Very suspicious goings on with the Biden family. The people have a right to know!

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

biden is 100% guilty of espionage and treason. biden needs to be hung.

Pat R
Pat R
1 year ago

The Democrats’ (or any high-level people in government) impunity needs to end!!! It’s way past time for the rule of law to RULE.

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
1 year ago

Biden’s demeanor indicates his total disdain of the rest of the electorate. He just smiles when asked about his treatment of classified information because he feels the rules and laws that apply to us don’t apply to him. He knows the progressive press will do its best to get him off the hook. His nitwit press secretary dutifully deflects all questions with nonsense statements.

1 year ago

Wow, Trump & Biden have couple of things in common: 1) How to handle Classified files and now today 2) Biden talking about police using force & wondering if they could just shoot them in the leg —- and did not Trump wonder the same thing when protestors were in DC in 2019-2020? My opinion, we do not want another debate of these two in 2024.

1 year ago

Trump added a little fuel to fire on classified files today: Only President has right to declassify files & Biden was only a VP at the time. Wow, what a defense & should fool a lot of juries.

John Hancock
John Hancock
1 year ago

It’s Not the one’s they found that is the problem, it is the ones that were there and have been taken away by the enemies of our Nation. They found the ones that no one cares about. Obviously, a plan to distribute our secrets for sale.

John D. Beach
John D. Beach
1 year ago

The Democrat Party and the particular actions of specific Democrats have been outrageous for 62 years. The damage they have done to individuals and the national security is incalculable. They have changed the country for the worse and the costs and consequences of it are irreparable.

1 year ago

This will get swept under the rug just like all the rest. Hillary is still not in prison after four years of Trump with clear, cut and dried evidence that she obstructed justice.

1 year ago

The “conspiracy theory” in 2021 was Biden would last for two years and then Kamala would take over. Although Harris is exceedingly stupid it doesn’t matter she is only a puppet, they have perfected the voter cheat enough keep her in office for 10 years. Jan 21/2023 is two years.

Robert Mayberry
Robert Mayberry
1 year ago

Yes, why is there not an outcry from the Media? Why has the FBI not raided Biden’s home, offices and where his college papers have been hidden? Have we gone over the cliff and are now Banana Republic?

1 year ago

How many of these documents ended up in the hands of the CCP?

1 year ago

Boy, I tell you this is better than watching a soap opera on t.v. , because it’s like watching Dalles , I have never seen such two faced, back stabbing I can do what ever I want, but shame on you if you do it. Think about it everything they have blamed Trump or the Republicans for they have completely lied about and have done them selves and even worse why is this incompetent fool and his ballerina cabinet still in the white house, and why is the F.B.I. still even there they are just as crooked as the Biden administration. What a flipping CIRCUS and a total embarrassment to the American people.

Jim D.
Jim D.
1 year ago

Unfortunately, it is “WE THE VOTERS” that must act! If people are waiting for the legacy media to inform the American people, the corrupt justice department to genuinely investigate, or even the corrupt Democrat controlled Senate to seriously look into this matter, we’ll be waiting until the rapture! If we can manage to overcome the obvious election fraud committed by these criminals on the left and actually vote these idiots out of power, WE MUST! It’s the ONLY avenue left to “we the people”! We as individual citizens have an obligation to unabashedly educate anyone and everyone that we can! It’s literally the only way we can start to fix this nation! Oh, and did I mention…we must absolutely address and fix our education system that’s spewing out little Marxist’s by the millions that will eventually vote.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Biden is the most disgusting, disrespectful, disengaged and disingenuous morons on the planet. Even if he is the President, no one with a brain should listen to him.

1 year ago

Jackass Josef DIDN’T WIN the Presidentcy, HE STOLE IT! . . . Respect is earned, Not just given! . . . The REAL ISSUE is whether the Republican Party Leadership CORRECTED this from happening AGAIN and I see NO EVIDENCE that they have! History will REPEAT itself if this is NOT CORRECTED!

1 year ago

Joey B has let out the TRUE EVILS of SODOM and GOMORRAH and is working to keep it ALIVE in OUR TIME! There’s TOO MANY EVILS NOW! PAST,PRESENT and FUTURE it’s time for GOD to INTERVENE and take DC to it’s KNEES!! The Democrats have been EVIL for to long and our COUNTRY will be turned into a WASTELAND if nothing is DONE ABLOUT IT! Since when do DEMOCRATS care about US? They ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY and POWER and to HELL with the REST OF YOU! Republicans need to STAND THERE GROUND, 1st get rid of ALL THE RINOS and get “REAL REPRESENTATION in for US”! 2nd band together and do what is right for THE “AMERICAN PEOPLE” and NOT the ILEGALS! There IS NO FREE RIDE and PILLAGING our FUNDS, we’ve worked too hard to give it all away because of the EVIL DEMOCRATS! Maybe it’s time to give away “ALL OF THE DEMOCRATS RETIREMENT MONEY 1st”!!They have PLENTY hidden away in offshore accounts that they’ve been STEALING FOR YEARS!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

“Who is Joe Biden?” That answer is readily available watching “gaff” after “gaff” videos on You Tube. He’s a white elitist country club back-slapping racist moron. He graduated 85th out of 110 in college meaning there are probably 25 stupider people in the world. Bet they have careers in government as well…

1 year ago

puppet biden is controlled by rice and obama. I am concerned that the money we are send to Ukraine is a promise by hunter because they paid the biden’s millions.

1 year ago

Biden is a DISGRACE! and that is all i have to say.

1 year ago

As the Dems always say — no one is above the law. Joe Biden and his family is a den of criminals.

1 year ago

biden’s gaffs are fake to avoid prosecution.

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