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Beset by Storms – Americans Prevail. We Will Now.

Posted on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

americansLife is never perpetually smooth, or even close.  Waters get rough.  We are storm-tossed, turned around, at times upside down, periodically buffeted.  In times of personal adversity, uncertainty, and doubt, we feel tested.  Staying upbeat is hard, let alone confident, optimistic.  Societies are like that too.

The storm metaphor may sound trite, but is apt.  On the water, staying afloat and getting from where you are to different objectives requires awareness of changing circumstances, adjustment to obstacles, bright eyes and action as opportunities present, patience – and keeping one’s bearing.  That is where our society is – right now.

On a personal level, we know when we are ill at ease, stressed by unanticipated events, forced to make choices, rethink, double back, reverse course, start again.  All this is familiar – if disquieting.  Societies are harder to quiet once stirred – but it can be done, and often has been.

Today, we find ourselves on high seas – a resurgent wave of coronavirus buffeting California, Arizona, Florida, and Texas (together, half of cases), waves of social unrest, political fractures in our 2020 cycle.

Of course, big waves propagate, bump, build, cancel and create other waves. The “pandemic” triggered political reactions, which prompted our first “instant recession.”  Waves of “stimulus” money aimed to cancel or reduce some of our economic uncertainty.

Likewise, reduced interpersonal contact – to mitigate the rippling virus – led to successive waves of innovation in remote work, learning, and commerce.  New ways of learning emerged, K to graduate.

Recent spikes in social unrest – peaceful protests to pro-socialist violence – triggered reduced support for police. Reduced support has eroded police morale and retention, spiking crime across the country.

Police retirements are up 400 percent in New York, shootings up 130 percent year-on-year. Los Angeles has seen a 250 percent jump in homicides, 56 percent in shootings.  Seattle witnessed a 525 percent increase in crime.  Across the country, successive waves of unrest buffet public safety.  Seas are rough.

In short, our society is experiencing – on top of political acrimony – layers of economic and social insecurity, which leaves everyone ill at ease and continues to challenge political leadership on all levels.

So where is the good news?  There is some – and it is worth seeing.

First, we are a flexible, adaptive, largely free, and resourceful society.  Americans are can-do and prove this over and over.  If uneasy with sudden change, new burdens, unexpected inconveniences, and rethinking our options, we still do it – almost reflexively.

Americans seem hardwired to think out go-forward strategies, escape routes, workarounds, new ways of doing what must be done without excuses for not doing it.  In some ways, the average citizen is better at this than our uncoordinated, uncooperative, often pampered political leaders.

Give an American a problem, and he or she will typically find a way to solve it, reasonably fast.  Thus, if we must work from home, interact with masks, reprogram for self-distancing, find ways to support our oldest, accommodate our youngest, we do it.  In maritime terms, we navigate shoals, trim sails, reset rudder, and go with the flow.

Second, while these waters seem uncharted, we have been here before.  Americans have long been experts at crisis management, often because we tend to put off until crises what must be done.  We have a knack for focusing on the moment, assessing, and managing stacked waves of uncertainty.

While all this seems new, Americans have weathered far more, compressed into tighter time blocks.  Unprepared for wars, including WWI and WWII, we did what we had to do.  We mobilized on a dime, deployed, resolved to win, and did – decisively.  We re-stabilizing America and the world.

Likewise, in periods of social stress, from our founding, through tumultuous post-Civil War reconstruction, international communist pressures, Great Depression, Civil Rights battles, violent 1960s, 1970s, and post-Vietnam era, we have pressed ahead for the far shore of stability – our compass clear.

On occasion we hit shoals, faced internal bitterness, gave way to mutual recriminations, but we have always re-found our ballast, recovered in full – and pressed for the right balance of freedom and peace.

On public health, we have also been here.  While 125,000 died from COVID-19, more than 675,000 died from the Spanish Flu in 1918.  In 1957, the “Asian flu” killed 70,000 Americans, probably more.

Between July 1968 and late 1969, as Americans beat the Soviets and put men on the moon, we suffered the “Hong Kong flu” pandemic, which killed more than 100,000 Americans.  Vaccines took a year.

Interestingly, Americans somehow managed widespread social unrest, including bombings by the communist Weather Underground, Black Liberation Army, and socialist groups, the Vietnam War, three assassinations, national protests, urban riots, and Hong Kong flu – never shutting down our economy.

While federal spending jumped under Presidents Johnson and Nixon, President Kennedy did what Reagan and Trump did – he cut taxes, triggering an economic surge.  US growth jumped from 2.6 to 6.2 percent between 1961 and 1963, holding near 5 percent as we landed on the moon.  Again, we are a resilient, make-it-happen nation.

Bottom line:  Yes, current waters are rough – for individuals and societies.  But resilient individuals and societies prevail, and Americans are resilient.  It is in our nature.  It is part of what we have learned to be, self-reliant, undeterred by adversity, prepared to work hard, defend freedom and prosperity.

So, here we are.  Beset by another pernicious virus, buffeted by new unrest, pausing for some introspection, managing an unruly election, and navigating economic, safety and morale issues, we will prevail. We always have, so long as we stay upbeat, confident, and cognizant of our history.  Storm-tossed maybe, but seasoned.  And now is when seasoning counts.

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4 years ago

The only really dangerous epidemic to hit this country is TDV, Trump Derangement Virus especially in cities and states run by Progressively Communist Democrats! These Jackass Politicians are so infected that they would destroy their local and state economies if it will help keep President Trump from re-election. I fear we are headed for Civil War and because so, We the People who cherish our American ideals and traditions must not allow this Communist Minority to be successful in their takeover of our lives and freedoms. No Politician should have the power to shutdown one’s livelihood. It should be the individual citizen’s decision to react accordingly to their own personal beliefs. If you are that fearful for YOUR life, stay home. No Politician should decide for you unless they provide for your living expenses. If you can’t make a living wage, neither should they. Don’t order me to suffer while your wellbeing isn’t really being effected! … Rise up People or risk losing everything you value!

4 years ago

COVID-19 is bad but even in a State like CA, there are zip codes that have virtually none. We had a Moving to AZ garage sale and I ask over 100 people if they personally knew someone who had tested positive for the virus. Only one guy knew someone. He said it was a couple who had traveled out of the country an brought it back with them. If it wasn’t for state ordered closures, people in my area would not be affected. P.S. the stock market is doing great‼️

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Agree overall BUT what if Pres NOT re elected IE data fudged so Dems win?
& or Deep State ruins elections.
Then see crisis rise more.
Or how Deep State & Dems ruin America more after Pres win?
Unless public rises up IE Rev/Civil War 2.
FREE US from DC bureaucracy.

4 years ago

I just viewed a video named “The most deadly virus” This virus is communism. It is worse than the Covid-19 virus. The communism virus has killed millions. As US citizens and Amac readers we must fight this virus with all the might we have. May God help us in this fight. If you have an opportunity to view this video, please do. We must stay awake and fight for our freedoms.

Rodney Ernst
Rodney Ernst
4 years ago

Rik, amen to that. Can’t be said any better. My biggest beef is that so many people are swallowing the pill of socialism. I talked to a guy that said he was chatting with someone that said, we need change, and it was not about Trump. She wants Biden. What!!!! Don’t people realize what Biden and the Dems. are wanting! May God help us if this election goes way left. President on down to Congress. If this happens, it’s all over.

4 years ago

Excellent and encouraging

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

I am very glad that I live in America! I know we have some “deep thinkers” who can help us get out of this political and anarchist funk. I think the media has to seriously think of their role in our country and just report the facts. Their absence in this discussion is deafening. The deep state is the other issue that has to be considered right now. Without significant change in the media and the deep state, this will be an uphill battle for many years.

LuCi Bennett
LuCi Bennett
4 years ago

More people need to read this! Many have allowed themselves to get overwhelmed, lost & in fear because they have forgotten how resilient American Citizens are. The faces & circumstances may change, but our perseverance prevails! We are, as American Citizens, educated in our history how our Forefathers fought to make, & KEEP our Country free as well as support our base, The Bill of Rights & our Constitution! The People just need reassurance that their Country is there for THEM as well as the other way around. These Governors & Mayors who haven’t adhered to the “Rule of Law” need reminding what their main job is & what that Oath of office means. It’s a heavy responsibility they took on with the help of those they direct. Perhaps there needs to be a clause in EVERY “Oath of Office”, not JUST applying to POTUS, but EVERY single person in those positions that if they fail to follow “The Rule of Law”, they forfeit their position for the good of their constituents? Rest assured, the American Citizen Patriotism, the strength & heartbeat of this Country, is alive & well. They await patiently to be activated to stand up for their Country, to preserve & protect the uniqueness of its history & strength.??

4 years ago

This push for a revolution started during Obama’s presidency in Ferguson, Missouri. Now it seems there will be revolutionaries whose full time job is looking for opportunities, a list which is increasing every day. When a crack appears they show up (who is buying their tickets?) and start destroying property and using awful epithets. These must be well paying jobs. I just doubt there can be genuine unrest considering the conditions and the press of people wanting to come to this country.

4 years ago

Thank you for the pep-talk! We are a Nation of “seasoned” people, and WE WILL PREVAIL. WE WILL FIND OUR BALLAST. Keep praying for our President and for a change-of-heart and mind for progressive politicians.

Carol A. Landkamer
Carol A. Landkamer
4 years ago

This is by far the best article I have read in months!! Thank you for expressing what many of we Americans know intrinsically…by the Grace of God, we will survive.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
4 years ago

This article gives great historical perspective and hope. We are under siege by communist/socialists. I hope the Democrats realize their party has been hijacked by the radical left, which we must overcome if we are not to become another Venezuela, Argentina, Vietnam, China, Russia, etc. This isn’t about Rep vs Dem or Trump vs Biden — this is about survival of our republic. Forget personalities. Look at the candidates histories’ and what they are capable of doing in the future. One will be a communist puppet. The other will make America great again. Amen.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

This was a great article but missed an important part. I remember the riots in the 60’s but never, never have I seen local leaders, city government, state governors and national politicians sit back and watch cities burned and do not lift a finger to stop it. Have Never seen movement to do away with police departments. The former Democratic party is an embarrassment and national disgrace, but worse is the fact the local people in those localities have done nothing to stop it.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Oh good grief! All I can say is that America must rise up and prevail! Enough is enough!!

Art A
Art A
4 years ago

Life experience is not a straight line. Tough times pass. Tough people endure. There are obviously several pressures on our society today. Some of these issues are real and some are created by those who wish to change this country to their view of utopia. To survive and continue to thrive we must stop the “useful idiots” on their quest. Faith,involvement,and the power of the ballot box are several answers. God Bless the USA.

Donald Nichols
Donald Nichols
4 years ago

All my life I have talked to and listened to my elders and how they grew up in the beginning of the 1900s.Much of what I have heard is how they made it in life without all the give away programs they did not have.All my WW2 vets in my neignborhood are gone now but I will always remember the stories.Today is much easier to survive more then ever and we abuse our freedoms.We are no doubt going in the wrong direction because money has been our number one thing.Most have forgot the rest.

4 years ago

It will take much more than conservative think tanks to save our country. If you are a true Patriot and you believe in our Constitution and everything it stands for, STAND UP. SPEAK OUT! DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELVES TO BE SILENCED. Just do it.

Shelley Teal
Shelley Teal
4 years ago

I agree that the most dangerous virus is Communism and it is knocking on our doors and cracked open. Rise up country or we will not recognize this country in two years if the Communist Democrats win. They are not Democratic Socialists. There is no such animal. They are communists. When we are criticized for thinking our own thoughts, that’s communism. When we are told what we can and cannot do, that’s communism. How do we wake up the millennial generation and Gen Z generation when they’ve been indoctrinated through high school and through liberal colleges. Today my dentist told me how her nephew in New Jersey has to sit though two hours of CNN news in class every week!!! That is NOT social studies. That is radicalizing our children. He’s 12! Parents please be aware of what your kids are being taught in school. You have the Right to know Everything they are being taught. Stay informed and get involved. We have to stop this before we lose another generation to the radical left. God please help our country and please open up the eyes of those who are blinded by the lies of the media.

4 years ago


Rick J.
Rick J.
4 years ago

Up beat article, but things are different today. Never in the countries history have there been so many determined
to undo the fabric of what has made this country great. These left wing nuts are determined to take control of the
government and force their beliefs on all. They will use what ever means needed to take control including violence.
I believe we are at that point, and the next 6 to 8 months will define the future of this great nation.

Tim Whalen
Tim Whalen
4 years ago

All of this lawlessness is planned and contrived by people who hate America. I am sick and tired of these people hogging the headlines and the good people of this country being silenced and marginalized. We, the Silent Majority, must stand up and take our country back. We must elect representatives to our government that will REPRESENT us. They work for us and I am a big proponent of TERM LIMITS.

4 years ago

Never have I seen local leaders, city government, state governors and national politicians sit back and watch cities burned and do not lift a finger to stop it. Have Never seen movement to do away with police departments. The former Democratic party is an embarrassment and national disgrace, but worse is the fact the local people in those localities have done nothing to stop it.
the LA riots were a disgrace, face to face war in the streets. The people in power then did nothing to suppress, and only dealt with it after the fact. Tax payer bailouts to cleanup the stinkin mess. Here we are now the cities that are managed by left liberal politicians seeking only to line their pockets deserve what they get. You cannot be a civil society and exist in this world today without some form of Law. If I knew that a city was LAW LESS, I would never visit there. I would have to limit my exposure to that city, many are saying just that and will follow through over time. I quite frankly am not one bit surprised at the lack of action by those Mayors, Governors, City leaders in the places where the worst protests turned so violent. I was praying that we might just get beyond this Covid mess without something jumping up and getting stirred up like it did, but the Death of Mr. Floyd was the match that set off the catastrophy. Now we have to deal with the momentum that has begun as we are still fighting the unknown of the Covid factor. My best idea is to just be mindful that our kids will inherit all this no matter what the outcome. and they will wonder what happened and why we adults could not figure it out. May we one day see a way to find common ground and be once again a whole country. In closing Thankyou CHINA FOR YOUR LACK OF CONCERN FOR THE REST OF THE WORLD < WE WON”T SOON FORGET YOUR PARTING GIFT TO THE MASSES AS YOUR WORLD CRUMBLES. I stated in 1971, that the first visit to China by a sitting President would turn out to be a very bad idea. Here we are folks. We woke up a sleeping Dragon and now we have to figure out how to tame it or else.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

Have you noticed that the lame-stream media never seems to be curious why radical Muslims (Omar, Keith Ellison,etc) whose religion kills homosexuals is in league with DIMMs who want to put “gay” rights ahead of religious 1st Amendment rights? Do the DIMMs think they will be spared if the M uslims overrun us?

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

The main reason the socialist/dems want open borders is to bring in socialist supporters from other countries and then help them to vote ILLEGALLY and that is the only way they can get elected, I have no problem with LEGAL imigrants, we are all sons and daughters of imigrants, the only differance is illegal imigrants come here to destroy not work and have a better life, the politicians like pelosi, schiff, nadler and the rest of these traitors need to be REMOVED FROM POWER, and then prossecuted for thier crimes.

Carla H
Carla H
4 years ago

That was a wonderful article! It really hit all the hotspots of what is going on today and reminded us of what went on before and how we handled and got through it. This is the worst I have ever seen politics so divided. We have some truly evil people in power in this country. I hope and pray that the general public will elect to get rid of these people when their terms are up or impeach them and get them out sooner. Nancy Pelosi is coming up for reelection. I sure hope she does not win.

4 years ago

There is something wrong here. We are American, we don’t panic like this. H1N1 is back as our seasonal ‘flu’ this year. If we have to panic over the Chinese virus, shouldn’t we also be panicking over H1N1? (Also a Chinese virus) But we hear nothing about thIs resurgence of flu, because the media is too busy feeding us a plate of steaming doodoo over the Chinese virus. The statistics are provably wrong yet we never hear corrections or retractions. Why is that? I don’t know one person who has tested positive or knows anyone who has. I may have had it after a trip to CA in February when I came home and got wretchedly sick, but no hospital or Dr. But I’m afraid to go get tested because if I test positive, what will the local government do to me? I don’t know. Quarantine? Not knowing anyone who tested positive, I don’t know what to expect. All the rioting—when’s the last time you saw news footage of that? What’s with that, why aren’t we getting that news? FauciI and his ilk have been wrong time after time after time. Why doesn’t the news cover that and dig for some answers? There’s something wrong here.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Decide to be free!  Take our Country BACK: RED – Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Any and every vote for a Democrat is a vote to make America a Communist Country!!!  Stand-up for America Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Americans, we are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  Stand-up for America Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

dino deplorable
dino deplorable
4 years ago

There are entities out there working to destroy AMERICA and its not only BLM or antifa or soros or the nobambas or the clintstones or the liberal,socialit dense oc RATS,its ALL of the above and the real AMERICANS really need to step up and stop these criminals.Its not too late,but it is very close.These entities would destroy AMERICA just to destroy President Trump and the AMERICANS that support him.I think that you liberal,socialist dense oc RATS really should be very careful what you wish for.

4 years ago

The real danger is anarchists who are backed by communists and big money from soros and steyer as well as corporate destructors ( bill gates come to mind?) These guys are our arch enemies as well s traitors in our midst. Pushed…we will fight and even though we may be older, we are wily. Dont push us people, we bite.

4 years ago

I would also add..where oh where are the so called republican voices talking about the outrage we all feel? Where are those voices on the right?
Silent as usual.

Bill Nicholson
Bill Nicholson
4 years ago

Very well-reasoned argument- my compliments!

4 years ago

I am not so optimistic. This time is different. Many in positions of power and authority no longer believe in Americanism. This is new. Even the Civil War was based in American ideals that were twisted around to make slavery somehow part of the American ideal; there are even people today that try to claim the Civil War was really all about States rights and economic oppression by the majority North. They were wrong, but at least their arguments were based in Americanism. The new left are outright Marxists (the left has always had some Marxists in it but now they are the mainstream) and want to destroy Americanism, individual liberty, the Constitution, your rights, your lifestyle, your way of life, and even your life itself should it become necessary (and it will at some point, just like it always does in totalitarian societies). In short, what is going on now with the American left and the Democrat party is an existential threat to The United States of America unlike anything we have seen before. It has been said in various ways that America could never be defeated by any foreign power but would fall to an internal foe. And here we are. This is not the time to say “we will get through this like we always do” because it is we (the left) that are the problem, and they will do whatever is necessary to win. They will Lie. They will cheat. They will steal. And they will kill. (All of these things have already occured.) Time to choose.
If you hate The United States of America, vote for Democrats.

Cheryl Underwood
Cheryl Underwood
4 years ago

Needed the encouragement!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Stand up for America!!  Buy Goya.  They are being boycotted because their CEO praised President Trump.  Give your custom to America’s friends, not our enemies such as Nike!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Americans, we are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

John A. Fallon
John A. Fallon
4 years ago

Thier is only one fix for what ails AMERICA and that is to clean house in NOVEMBER, everything wrong in AMERICA is due to the incompetance, treason, blind adherence to a terrible system that just does not work, it has not worked for sixty years, I think it is time to get back to the LAW OF THE LAND AND CONSTITUTION, time to sweep out the trash, starting with the “squad”. VOTE TRUMP2020

Gary Bestwick
Gary Bestwick
4 years ago

While my political views may match Mr. Charles, I recognize that America must end sometime. There is just not enough mention of us in Biblical prophecy. Unlike Israel, we do not have a guarantee from God!

Clark Kent
Clark Kent
4 years ago

This author is whistling past the graveyard. The ship we are on as a nation is the Titanic and we are sinking fast. Instead of relying on feel good platitudes folks need to be prepared for the nationwide chaos/violence/unrest set to begin on November 4th, 2020 (the day after the presidential election). Everything up to now is just a warm up for that day. Don’t be one of those blindsided; get ready NOW. A word to the wise is sufficient.

4 years ago

My vote is only ONE vote, but I will proudly cast it for Law and Order, the United States and hopefully a chance to change the things that NEED to be changed. I will vote against lawlessness, cruelty and the pinheads running rampant thru the country today. One vote is all I have. What happens when all the votes are counted (DO, Lord!) is out of my hands….

4 years ago

Keep getting requests for $$ from scamers claiming to be from Trump. This is what I sent them in an email: $$$ requests are depressing to me,because I never have $ to give. But I have discovered that most of you are not fro real. Do not know were $$ sent to you really goes. So All I do is deliet you message. So do not send me any more $$$ request.  
Quite wasting time looking for ‘fairness’ in politics, news stations, or on Biden other than his ‘stupid platform’: “union jobs”??
What companies are going to have unions? In China? Mexico? And
they are all ‘gunhoo’ on “windmills & solar panels”. Are they NOT intent on reducing the ##s of emplyee jobs? Windmills & solar panels would be made in China & Mexico any way. Are the People suppose to move to Mexico? [China will not take our unemployed unless they are IT engineers].
Unions would be obsolete without pipe-fitters, construction workers, or any manufacturing industry which is where these jobs are [ now moved to in China]. No rebuilding of USA. 
Good Luck education union members….schools will be online.. Good buy most older real teachers…
And all restaurants will be closed due to more shut-downs. NO waiter unions, etc.  ‘High Pay’ will be the reason. Most will be staying at home on ‘high pay’ government unemployment. Dems have made the people to lazy to fight back when
Good buy America. Was Great While it lasted. There will be NO reason to emigrate to USA. NO JOBS. 
I will vote for Trump anyway. Keep ‘Tweeting.’
You are making more sense than the Dems or Biden.
The Antifa will get worse in next few months.  why Americans are buying for guns. What they need are more BULLETS. We are in a Rich ‘Elite’ inspired Socialist Revolution! Most our politicians see themselves as ‘elite’.   Even if the Dems where to win in Nov…  Then Antifa[ BLM, etc] would feel ‘entitled’ to beat-up the “non-socialist” white privileged opposition. “KILL WHITY!” will be the next objective. But first they have to get ride of the POLICE and ARMY.  What’s happening in Africa? White have had to leave or be killed. But Who really Wins?  The Rich Elite who feel they are better than the ‘People’ who they intend to ‘RULE’, like the old time monarchs. The Chinese do have a monarch line behind the scene kept secret. 

Not a good idea for me to go to a big city because I’m 77. Have had open heart surgery and other surgeries. I was raised in California next door the a very nice Mexican family and considered an outsider in a farm community because we were not born there. I know about prejudice. Tried never to treat anyone that way. But being as old as I am I do not see life the way many young ‘Socialized’ people do. And I have always liked history. Every ones. That is one reason I SEE the ‘Elite’ Socialist agenda. History has been eliminated from schools so the young don’t know. How we have failed them! We were all too busy. Well, We are not any more. Get involved with your kids.

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