This resolution acknowledges that the right to life is recognized by the Declaration of Independence and is codified as part of the foundation of our great nation.
July 19, 2022
The Honorable Carol Miller
3rd Congressional District of West Virginia
465 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congresswoman Miller,
On behalf of the over 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens,
including nearly 3,300 residing in WV-03, I write to offer our support for H.Res. 1216 intended
to recognize and honor the sanctity of life in the month of June.
This proposal recalls the timeless words of our Declaration of Independence, in which the right
to life is recognized as granted by God and codified as part of the foundation of our great
nation. It acknowledges the limits of the Constitution and the sovereignty of the states, and it
commemorates the millions of American lives lost to the practice of abortion. It rightly calls on
Congress, communities, churches, and individual Americans to support the dignity of human
Your resolution definitively realizes that there are options to abortion and that support is
available for women facing an unplanned pregnancy. It is written in the language of love for life
and AMAC proudly joins you in support of this honorable endeavor. We are grateful for your
efforts to cherish the gift of life and fully endorse the designation of June as the “Month of
Bob Carlstrom
AMAC Action
That is an excellent idea. June is perfect
Rightly, it calls for support for human life from Congress, communities, churches, and individual Americans.