
Newsline , Society

52nd March for Life Marks New Era of Hope for Pro-Life Movement

Posted on Monday, January 27, 2025
by Aaron Flanigan

This past Friday, just as they have every January for more than five decades, pro-life Americans gathered in the nation’s capital to defend the rights of the unborn at the annual March for Life. This year’s event—which came just days after the second inauguration of President Donald Trump, who is already building on his reputation as the most pro-life president in modern history—was filled with renewed vigor and excitement, setting the stage for an ambitious and exciting new chapter of the pro-life movement.

The march, which began on the first anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1974, regularly attracts hundreds of thousands of students, faith groups, and other pro-life Americans from throughout the country. Participants flock to the National Mall, where they hear from leading pro-life and religious leaders.

Following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision in 2022, which overturned Roe and returned the question of abortion policy to the states, participants have marched to the U.S. Capitol—symbolizing the centrality of the legislative branch to the next stage of the pro-life movement.

The theme for this year’s march, “Life: Why We March,” further emphasizes the new direction of the American pro-life movement. “In the two years since the Dobbs decision, the pro-life community has fought the advancement of relentless and radical pro-abortion legislation at both the state and federal level; faced attempts to destroy and discredit pro-life pregnancy resource centers; and even battled deadly misinformation campaigns related to state pro-life protections—all which allow medical treatment to save the life of pregnant women,” the event website states.

The march organizers, however, actively encourage participants “to draw renewed energy for this challenging moment in the movement by reflecting on the basic truth that inspires the pro-life cause: every human life—including the unborn and their mothers—is beautiful, has unique dignity, and is worthy of protection.”

The march’s impressive lineup of speakers was headlined by freshly sworn-in Vice President JD Vance, who expressed his desire for “more babies” in America in his first public remarks since taking office.

“We march to protect the unborn,” Vance said before the crowd in the bitter cold. “We march to proclaim and live out the sacred truth that every single child is a miracle and a gift from God.”

“We failed a generation not only by permitting a culture of abortion on demand but also by neglecting to help young parents achieve the ingredients they need to live a happy and meaningful life,” he continued. “A culture of radical individualism took root. One where the responsibilities and joys of family life were seen as obstacles to overcome, not as personal fulfillment or personal blessing.”

“Our society has failed to recognize that the obligation one generation has to another is a core part of living in a society to begin with. So let me say very simply, I want more babies in the United States of America. I want more happy children in our country. And I want beautiful young men and women who are eager to welcome them into the world and eager to raise them.”

Other speakers included Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and Senate Majority Leader John Thune. Also present were famous surfer Bethany Hamilton, who has since emerged as a pro-life activist, as well as religious figures, pro-life leaders, students, and abortion survivors.

The Trump-Vance administration has already hit the ground running on the pro-life front. Just days after taking the oath of office, Trump granted pardons to pro-life activists convicted by the Biden administration under the FACE Act—including Lauren Handy, Heather Idoni, William Goodman, and John Hinshaw—who were convicted in Washington, D.C., in what was widely seen as a brazen act of political persecution. In his day-one executive order affirming the biological reality that there are only two genders, Trump also stated that a “person’s” sex is determined “at conception” – upholding the truth that unborn babies are human beings with inalienable rights.

In 2020, Trump became the first president to attend the March for Life, where he cataloged his accomplishments for the pro-life movement and recommitted to protecting the unborn. During his first four years in office, Trump’s agenda to end abortion included reinstating the Mexico City policy, cutting U.S. funding to the United Nations population fund, which promotes abortion, and protecting the conscience rights of religious groups like the Catholic Little Sisters of the Poor. “Unborn children have never had a stronger defender in the White House,” Trump said during his remarks five years ago.

Now, following his second inauguration, conservatives in Congress have called on Trump to take further steps to reverse the Biden administration’s weaponization of the justice system against pro-life Americans—and to build upon the many pro-life achievements of his first term.

“We are hopeful for a future where women are given real choices and real support: a future that gives pregnant and parenting women the resources they need to embrace life without feeling the pressure to abort their child,” the lawmakers wrote. “We urge you to seek ways to provide this future to all Americans.”

Ultimately, for both those who attended the march and those who watched from afar, one thing remains clear: despite its obstacles, the pro-life movement has every reason to be hopeful for the future.

Aaron Flanigan is a contributor to AMAC Newsline.

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10 days ago

Why do we continue to give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood?
That has to stop!

10 days ago

If public tax dollars are going to be used to fix your sexual indiscretions, then the public should be allowed to supervise your sexual behaviors. Sorry, I know that picture is gross and disgusting. But, if you want my money then you need oversight. Am I wrong?

10 days ago

Hey Tom, I agree. The government should stay out of it. By that, I mean they should provide NONE of my tax dollars to provide funding for what I’m sure you believe to be “contraception”.

10 days ago

I do NOT believe a government has any right to tell any person (no male repro laws are there?) what they can do with their own bodies, BUT, I recently read an article, written by a doctor who had once performed abortions at 3 months and it changed my mind about abortion. It was graphic and not at all pleasant to read. Unfortunately we are going to have to have that conversation about when does life start. We cannot put people in prison for murdering a “person” yet let 600,000 chemical abortions, and who knows how many doctor-performed abortions, continue without deciding this one thing. Then the arguments can stop. I tend toward a heartbeat, and I’m sure scientists and doctors will argue this back and forth but we must decide. Reproductive freedom cannot and should not allow murder. We just have to choose a threshold. The time is now.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
10 days ago

I hope there will be a national movement for more responsible fatherhood as part of the pro-life efforts! The nation’s best fathers should be spotlighted and held up as examples for happy, healthy families.

10 days ago

How weird it is to realize huge segments of the citizenry insist on abortion on demand while our replacement rate drops steadily. I was buoyed by vances words. We need to make it easier for young couples to have kids so they dont feel the need to wait till theyre 38. One point to make to kids: have your kids in your 20s. Live a healthy lifestyle and you can play all you want in your fifties.

10 days ago

Well, checking back and I see the three comments by troll “Tom” I was responding to have disappeared. Good work AMAC mods!

10 days ago

The war to protect the unborn will always rage on as long as there are irresponsible people “having flings” without caring about the consequences of their actions, and abortion clinics available to “fix the problem” that these idiots created. What’s also disturbing is demon-rats voting against bills that require abortion-performing doctors to keep a living late-term aborted baby alive. This is bahl worship.

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 days ago

I believe that tax payer has no obligation to pay for my abortion , that is between me and my doctor, I also believe that should I choose to not become pregnant that too is my private mater and there should be available means to prevent pregnancy, which is nobody’s business but mine. Planned parenthood is not living up to it’s name. Dismantle it and send it to spread its Gospel in overpopulated parts of the world, they would know where to go.

10 days ago

Amen! Life isn’t a choice, it is a gift from our God and creator Himself. Life starts at conception.I pray this administration continues to strengthen the laws that protect all life.

Old Silk
Old Silk
10 days ago

And then the President says he is rethinking withdrawing us from the WHO and putting us back in over a deal. Sorry.

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