
Elections , Newsline

The Voters Came Through

Posted on Tuesday, November 19, 2024
by Herald Boas

There are countless explanations now coming from pundits and politicians about what happened on November 5, and many of them have some valuable insights into the decisions that were made at the polls (as well as by mail, early voting, and drop boxes).

But the most credit for the results cannot be claimed by political strategists, speechwriters, ad creators, or even the numerous volunteers and campaign staff who worked so hard on behalf of their candidates and their political party.

The most credit belongs to the American voters, in the historic Jeffersonian sense, who absorbed the TV, radio, and print advertising, the mailings, the bumper stickers and lawn signs, the barrage of e-mail funding requests, the biased reporting and fake news, political rallies, the charges and countercharges, and all else that comes with a political campaign — and then used their common sense and personal experiences to make their electoral judgments known on a secret ballot.

Before the election, many Americans feared widespread voter cheating, as was alleged in the 2020 presidential election, but political party officials took extraordinary steps to have observers, lawyers, and election judges at voting areas, and any efforts to seriously compromise the integrity of the election were overwhelmed.

The pandemic caused much non-traditional but legitimate voting to take place, including unlimited early voting, absentee voting without cause, so-called ballot harvesting, and the use of voting drop boxes. In 2020 and 2022, only one party took advantage of these, but in 2024 the other party participated in them significantly, as did many independents, and the previous advantage of one party evaporated.

Some Democrats are objecting to the use of the word “landslide” to describe the outcome. It is true that the results did not match the margins in 1980 or 1984, nor in several previous elections when both the popular vote and the electoral college vote were very one-sided.

But in 2024, Donald Trump won 312 electoral votes to his opponent’s 226, and he also won the popular vote by millions, something his party had not done since 2004. A better word for the outcome is “decisive.” Instead of waiting for days or weeks for vote tabulations and recounts, the winner was clear on election night.

Donald Trump has a controversial personality, but his political skills are irrefutable now that he has made a historic political comeback in the manner he did. His campaign did not just overcome an incumbent first-term president and his last-minute replacement. The Kamala Harris campaign spent more than a billion dollars (a multiple of the funds Trump spent) to defeat him. Virtually the entire broadcast and print media establishment was against him, publishing and broadcasting an unceasing torrent of negative and often false information about him. The Biden administration had him indicted numerous times on questionable charges, as well as indicting and jailing several of his associates. American presidential politics had not ever seen any spectacle like it.

And yet, Trump not only survived this onslaught, he prevailed over it. Sometimes, in response to the various attacks on him, he made outrageous retorts. He was often profane, but really not any more than his opponents. He made himself the center of attention.

His opponents’ vitriol and so-called “lawfare” strategy only kept him in the limelight and made him sympathetic to many not already in his voter base. Despite having several serious opponents in the GOP primaries, he won those primaries by large margins.

Meanwhile, the Democrat establishment prevented any serious challenge to their physically declining incumbent until a TV debate exposed his frailty, and then they imposed Vice President Kamala Harris on their ticket, again preventing any serious challenge within their own party. Democrat voters had no opportunity to vote on their own choices.

Nominee Harris then chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, a self-described “knucklehead,” as her running mate without a thorough vetting. A series of controversies appeared from his past and his record as governor, following him in the campaign. He was, by almost all accounts, overmatched by the poised Republican vice presidential nominee, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance, in their debate.

The Harris campaign was a verbal mirage throughout the final weeks of the contest. President Biden undercut her at key points with his comments. A master of public relations from his years in private life, Trump effectively exploited each fumble by his opponents.

The frightening attempts on Trump’s life during the campaign not only enhanced him, his handling of these events gave him a new stature, and further expanded his support beyond his voter base.

In the end, however, voters asked themselves if they were better off than they were during Mr. Trump’s first term four years before, and a clear majority decided they were not. In spite of so many aspects of the 2024 cycle being unprecedented, Americans critically ignored the propaganda, the biases, and the so-called experts, and voted based on what they cared about most.

The 200-plus years of the American experiment continues. Bravo, voters!

Herald Boas is an AMAC Newsline contributor.

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Susanna Ferry
Susanna Ferry
1 month ago

The eminent historian, Victor David Hanson, summed up the election before it even took place. To paraphrase, “It’s basically an election between those who insist on lecturing to us and those who are tired of being lectured to.” . . .My favorite comment about the US election is one from a UK citizen, to wit, “What a glorious day for America! Its citizens took their Republic back!”

1 month ago

Great article. You commented on Trump’s skill as a politician and public relations, but I am most excited to see his skills in business. It is far past time to treat the government like a streamlined business instead of a bloated barge. Let the work begin!

1 month ago

I think Trump is the only Republican who could stand the democrat onslaught, propaganda and lies. He did a masterful job of sinking the demo boat!

Nancy Hildebrandt
Nancy Hildebrandt
1 month ago

Beautifully written, especially describing what we voters “absorbed” during the campaign. But it pales in comparison to what was forced down our throats the past four years. Perhaps the Democrats are now less confident they can win elections by merely gaslighting the public.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
1 month ago

Let me be very clear and candid … the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump! Until the people pay for what they did we do NOT have a sustainable country. There was massive cheating in 2022 and 2024 as well. Anyone that believes Kamala got 70 million+ votes is on drugs are is mentally challenged. I look forward to taking our country back! God Bless America & God Bless Trump!

1 month ago

The dems had and still have a concerted effort to eliminate anyone who didn’t vote for them. They tried since 2016. Even held a fraudulent election and persecuted and prosecuted Trump relentlessly for 8 years. They called him Hitler, fascist, Nazi, deplorable, garbage and a domestic terrorist. Even in this article Trump is portrayed as a controversial personality. Created by the dems, the likes of O and P. They wanted the reps destroyed and O started that process in 2008 and in 2016 election H was supposed to set that forth. Only the people wanted change. And Trump came in. A businessman who loved America and its people. Not a manipulator like O or H or P. The hatred of the past four years has increased more and more. We see this in all the depts of the Biden administration. The DOJ, IRS, FBI, DHS, treasury and transportation depts. and let’s not forget the State Dept. The dems are not giving up. They put everything what they destroyed on Trump but when he was president life was not stressful. We didn’t need to look around when we parked at a shopping center or restaurant. Older people are afraid to go out after dark. Especially in the inner cities. The dems still don’t understand what the election was about. Biden Harris administration was a disaster. It is still a disaster. Biden is a warmonger by sending missiles to the Ukraine. Just to block Trump from brokering peace with Putin. He doesn’t care if more people will die and for what. So an old demented man can rest on what he perceives his laurels? Biden the president that started WW III.

1 month ago

God is definitely not through with Donald Trump. The USA and the world at large are the beneficiaries and I can’t wait to see the wonderful things that are about to happen. God bless and protect Trump and God bless America!

1 month ago

Great summary of the campaign and election. May Trump’s victory set the stage for the future.

1 month ago

The seemingly endless range of corrupt acts and misrepresentations of the “democrat” party speak for themselves. There’s no hiding from it. More importantly, there is no killing the source of it over the near term… so “they” require careful observation to anticipate, and provide legal protections against, their upcoming scams. For now, we must take back our schools by terminating the Department of Education and all of its’ brainwashing of our children.

Darlene M Bateman
Darlene M Bateman
1 month ago

I stayed up watching results until 2:45 am. When I went to bed, I woke up in a different frame of mind. Once after a long demo trainwreck, I woke up with hope for America again. One very important factor has been overlooked or ignored by those who have differing beliefs than I and millions of other Americas…that factor was “PRAYER”. Voters who were sick of having ridiculous ideas like, choosing your own gender crammed down their throats amped up their prayer life and increased their faith in God as the only “force” able to turn things around for our country. Yes, there are many reasons for the overwhelming defeat of the dems but those of us who realized we were losing America if God didn’t intervene stormed heaven with pleas for the values our country was built upon be restored. Lord, thank You for hearing the cries of Your children and may we never forget how close we came to losing the rights and privileges given to us by God.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

Well voters thank you for showing up this time! But where were you four years ago when life was better? Its not like nobody told you so or Biden wasn’t an obvious idiot… even before his age exacerbated it! Nevada voted for Trump but still re-elected Jacky Rosen so forgive me if I’m not in a grateful mood!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 month ago

Thank you American voters for saving our country. Your children and grandchildren will thank you. May God Bless you and our country.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Everyone thought Titanic was unsinkable democrats took it for granted. Voter had enough and spoke. Simple as that and they still don’t get and refuse to look at themselves.

1 month ago

Landslide,Landslide,Landslide !! Maybe those phonies in Hollywood should write a movie with that title. It will have to be filmed in Canada as they promised to move there if President Trump won. Good riddance

1 month ago

This is all great but now the dems are holding a news conference starting resistance against “mass deportation”. Why are Trump’s picks for his cabinet telling the dems what they plan on doing before they are even in office? This is a rookie political mistake, they are showing their cards and now the dems are creating headaches. Some media outlets have already started with the boo-hoo tactics. They are claiming the American people voted for a strong border but not mass deportations that will separate families and harm children, etc., etc.. These appointees need to be smarter and they need to be quiet.

1 month ago

A rock have one thing in common and that is they are all smarter then Harris and the ones that voted for her.

1 month ago

The Donald is back. The democrats are toast.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
1 month ago

I am regularly annoyed, not just by articles written for AMAC, but most political rhetoric summing up this election, stating, that the vote was too strong to cheat … that Americans won, because, we beat them before they could cheat.
I surely can’t speak for anyone in any state but my own … but the cheat still happened. My personal opinion is that the democrats weren’t too worried about Trump winning. They have been and still are working to neuter his power, and effectively keep America faltering again. But the cheat did take place, in Arizona … in the senate race.
Proudly (though late in coming) my 43 year old son, and 24 year old grand daughter voted for the first time on Nov 5 2024. Both voted Trump, and Kari Lake for Senate, and just voted red for everyone else, not following other offices or personage.
I am confident in Arizona, that most if not all people that voted for Trump, did the same, voting a red ticket … Kari Lake due to her devotion to Trump.
So tell me how … open border democrat, veteran Reuben Gallego … wins the Arizona senate seat … when Trump wins the state? That is not just fishy … that is a cheat. Arizona is very affected by the open border … and the voters responded by voting for Trump … and an open border senate democrat candidate? Pardon my French, but that is BS.
Yeah, America, and Republicans won the senate … but Kari Lake who in 2020 ran for Governor, and the certification as to the win, was by the then secretary of state, Katie Hobbs … who just happened to be the other candidate for Governor. And now the citizens of Arizona voted for a close the border President … and an open border senate choice?

I know … it sounds like paranoia … after all, Trump won … but just wait and see what the democrats are leaving and have left for Trump. Very likely a World War, that will start before he even gets into office … and controls, that will keep him from all the promises that he has made.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Without the PHONY covid “emergency,” regular order in elections returned for the most part. Crooked DIMMs couldn’t “manufacture” thousands of votes like they did in 2020. And, of course, their totally nutso candidates of Kackler and Tampon Tim didn’t help them much!

1 month ago

The polls have been a deterrent and false lead due to false numbers, therefore many people would react and fail to vote for fear their vote would be discounted. The media, the View and other means of false communications were a blockade for many legal voters. It is always best to use commonsense, if possible, people like Victor Davis Hanson, or someone with no political agenda.

1 month ago

Maybe this was an election where common sense finally prevailed. An open border, runaway inflation caused by runaway spending, biological men playing in women’s sports, de-funding police, DEI, soft on crime DAs and city budgets being ruined by having to house, feed, educate and provide healthcare for migrants were all programs wrapped up in decorative feel-good descriptions by democrats, but the impact on everyday lives of citizens did not resonate well. In essence, these actions were stupid and could no longer be described in terms that did not include the word “failure.” After a while, it becomes obvious to all but the most pre-programmed minds.

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
1 month ago

Does anyone ever edit these articles?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago


trump; progressivism
Joe Biden
Tehachapi Fires. Wild fires in Tehachapi, California with wind turbines in the foreground.
gaza strip

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