Today, Donald J. Trump is inaugurated for the second time, a day for the history books, only the second time a president will serve non-successive terms. It is far more. It is the vindication of truth over lies, courage over persecution, and fight over flight. Like the Phoenix rising from ashes, this inauguration is a miracle, a reward for faith, proof of America’s greatness, and divine intervention.
How could it be otherwise? Review the recent past. Here is a man who beat the political odds in 2016, a non-politician who outflanked others to dislodge a socialist and win the presidency.
He did that despite what we now understand was a concerted effort, arguably criminal, to misuse the Departments of Justice and State, FBI, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, intelligence community, and White House to stop him.
When that “insurance policy” did not work, a politically motivated, multi-million-dollar “Russia collusion” investigation was initiated, creating unprecedented drag for his first two years. Even so, he substantively reshaped foreign and domestic policy.
In contrast to the Obama era’s moves to “transform” America with power-concentrating, constitution-testing, historically socialist policy, Trump won support for major tax cuts, kept interest, inflation, and economic volatility in check, spurring record economic growth.
On the foreign front, he brokered a widening peace in the Middle East, stopped North Korean missile launches and nuclear testing, kept Russian ambitions out of Europe, rebalanced trade with China, slowed Iran’s nuclear program, sanctioned that country, and spoke of freedom.
On the southern border, he slowed the gush of illegals into the US, with drug and human trafficking, and began building a deterrent wall. He opposed anti-constitutional sanctuary cities, the release of felons, and overt political violence.
He restored respect for the rule of law, and constitutional textualism, and stabilized the federal bench with jurists who did not aim to make laws but to interpret and apply them with original intent.
Incredibly, as he dismantled parts of the longstanding, often anti-constitutional bureaucracy, he was attacked more viciously – and with increasing disregard for truth – by a Democrat-controlled House and Senate, Marxist state, city, high-tech, and media leaders, who feared accountability.
When these underhanded techniques failed, including calls for violence that nearly ended the life of a Supreme Court justice in the wake of a decision returning abortion to the states – his enemies twice impeached him.
In retrospect, the impeachment predicates – a phone call seeking evidence, as one would in a letter rogatory, from a foreign leader on actions that appeared illegal (and still do), and an official speech on federal grounds encouraging peaceful protest, are absurd, the impeachments scandalous.
Now we know also that the “investigation” by a Democrat-controlled congressional committee into the events after the speech was itself tainted, exculpatory information suppressed, and false facts pushed. The goal was to stop his reelection.
Trump then suffered an inconceivable assault by Democrat operatives in government through lawfare, and abuse of federal and state prosecutorial and judicial processes to top his reelection.
The unethical nature of these prosecutions, venal, malicious, and abusive – flies in the face of 250 years of American constitutional and political precedent. Still, the forces of progressive politics, this toxic mix of personal animus, Marxism, nihilism, and modern Democrat tactics went on, undeterred.
Even when Supreme Court rulings and politically honest brokers sought to slow this prosecutorial hurricane, it did not slow. Yet neither did the candidate’s willingness to fight the injustices.
Compounding what this candidate suffered, a corrupt federal administration with corrupt state actors threatened, induced, and intimidated high-tech social media and media actors into blocking, canceling, defaming, gagging, and trying to suppress his voice and fair defense.
Still, Trump fought on. Even at the eleventh hour, persecuted by unethical judges, prosecutors (some now resigned), politicians, and media irrationally consumed by hate, he persevered.
Then, last summer, the candidate was twice nearly killed by obsessed fanatics, egged on by unrepentant political opponents of his reformist, decentralizing, freedom-focused message, a combination of Our Founders’ energy, Lincoln-like resolve, TR-like populism, and Reagan-like determination not to allow the centralized government to oppress the individual.
When election dust settled, Trump won the electoral college, popular vote, and all seven swing states with updrafts in every demographic, young, old, Black, Hispanic, suburban women and men, rural, urban, border state to interior. In short, he won big.
Now, we come to this moment. It is a living miracle – because this is an intrepid candidate, one who understood what the country needs and pushed a positive, individual-centered, growth, security, faith, and stability-focused reform plan. He spoke to the common man – and won. So, who says miracles don’t happen? One just did. May the Hand of Providence rest lightly on his shoulder. This inauguration is … one for the history books.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
We are fortunate to have witnessed a president who was persecuted every which way but who, nevertheless, still came up victorious. This is a lesson for all of us: Do not give in to bullies! Fight for what is right!
Imagine what would have happened if President Trump had given up during the Russia hoax, the Covid fiasco, censorship from social media, lawfare from the DOJ, the orchestrated lies from CNN, MSNBC, NPR, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and all the other socialist media outlets. Trump’s resolve during years of fake trials and impeachments and his dedication to the American people exemplify type of patriotism I admire in great political leaders. Trump has earned his place among the top 3 presidents in our history. And we get to see it all. Wonderful day!
I thank the Lord Donald Trump is back! Let’s all work together to get some sense back into this Country & for the American Citizens. Who cares what Democrats say or think because we all know & have seen what their ultimate agenda is & was (deep state). Come on Mr President Trump, Mr Vice President Vance, & your Conservative cabinet, let’s save the United States of America!
Watching The President’s speech, I am certain Donald J Trump is the bravest man alive.
It’s certainly amazing to watch the cowardly leftists sit on their guilty hands and quite literally soil themselves on national TV.
Thank God that Donald J Trump is OUR president once again. May our country rise again with DJT as our 47th President of the United States of America.
President Trump sure laid it all out in his inauguration speech! Have been over the moon since he won. It was something I had prayed for many times over 2024. God bless Trump and God bless everyone in the USA!
GOD IS GOOD! That ‘fake’ President Biden has done nothing but take our money and launder it along with his family members who are all guilty!!!
The J6 committee is equally guilty in planting information and disinformation into the soul of America.
Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for the millions of people who died and the amount of healthy athletes who have died due to his ‘shots in arms’ tactics. Covid was a tool for population control of our most vulnerable and most powerfully strong Americans.
I pray all this r who have been pardoned by this corrupt regime, that they go into hiding and never show their faces again.
May God Bless America!
So interesting to watch Senile Joe as DJT deconstructed his whole program during the inaugural speech! Did Joe even understand what Trump was saying? And the idiot Kackler sitting there got her comeuppance as well!
GOOD RIDDANCE, Joebama and cackling Commy-la! May God bless and protect President Trump and Vice President JD Vance, their families and staff. Great inauguration speech, especially when the President announced the national security emergency at the border and national energy emergency. MAGA!!!!
Trump spoke a message of truth to our republic today.
I sincerely hope that all the moral citizens living in this wonderful country that have remained on the sidelines, will realize that they must become active in keeping this republic free and a moral society.
Respectfully To All
Peter H
Trump let the world know and, for always be archived, in his inauguration speech, exactly what the dems did to him the past 8 years. And then he told us what the next 4 years held for us. We the people of the USA. Take this in contrast with the Biden 4 years. Where they destroyed everything Trump did and bankrupted this country by starting a war in the Ukraine. Pulling out of Afghanistan, leaving Americans dead and leaving many behind. And let’s not forget the 80 billion in arms and military equipment he left behind. Depleting our military from having equipment and then supporting the Ukraine war to the detriment of our citizens when natural disasters struck. Biden just printed more money. Which inflated our food prices by 25%. The supply lines were cut in addition. Then grocery distribution center, about a dozen, were burned to the ground. Beef production was curtailed so that Bill Gates could put his mealyworms and crickets on the market. We had to switch from, so called, nasty natural food to chemically created lab food. Obesity was touted as wonderful. Every child was told you are not a girl or boy. Trump announced today there are only two genders in America. Back to the difference between Trump and Biden. Trump is making America great again. Biden destroyed it up to the last 15 minutes of his presidency when he pardoned his family member. After he pardoned Fauci and Gen Millie and Cheney et al over the weekend. His administration was fraudulently installed in 2021 and they did all they could do to make America into a global communist country ruled by the billionaires in the world. Like Soros etc. And then after 4 years he pardoned all those that had contributed to take America down. Isn’t a pardon done for something criminal a person has done? They tried to impeach, indict Trump and yet he is president of America. Voted in by the greatest majority of the people. Not bought by a billionaire. If you can put a regime together who know whatever they do they will be pardoned at the end. Leaves it wide open to corruptions, gaslighting and most of all Bribes and lies. Today is Independence Day from the tyranny of Biden and Obama and the deep state. May God bless America its people and President Trump.
Just like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, it was Donald Trump’s belief in Providence and the granting by grace that he survived it all. That is the kind of President that comes along once a century. We found him in time.
Hey smith, flintstoned fred, new mexico john, ccc, ape us, not a patriot and all other twisted personalities of your leftist Bible burning moniker perversions:
IT IS WAY Too late for you and your sick world view.
You wackos have completely lost the civil war you declared on everything righteous and good!
The world is watching and noticing, it will be a different play now that cut out doll is out of it.
Articles about the weaponization of government agencies remind me of the devastating effects of what the media did to President Richard Nixon after the sophomoric Watergate break in.
The book, Trump’s second term is a miracle to bring US back from communism and socialism, Thank You.
President Donald Trump has been slandered, falsely accused, stalked and shot at by assassins, and cheated in the 2020 vote count by a political party that did not know how else to deal with a threat like… Donald Trump… who supports the voters, and not the politically connected “leadership” that tends only to its’ own interests. It’s just that simple. He persevered on principle (and possibly righteous indignation), and he is still here… as our 47th President, as of today.
To those who think they despise him… 1) Why do you think he has so much support, despite the negative media (who align with the opposing party)? 2) Why do you think he ran again, despite all of the combative and life-threatening influences? 3) Why would the Democrats be so opposed to him, despite how well he did in addressing our economy and national security during his first term? On that note, I’ll give you a hint about the Democrats… ” The Goal is Control”….
All I can say is Amen! I hope we turn back to God has a nation to really experience his blessings…
Very well said. I pray that a vendetta agenda is not part of Trumps approach to governing. With that said, I also pray that we get a much more honest government, DOJ, etc.
Keep praying for Trump, Vance, and our Country.
I believe that we should continue to pray for Donald J. Trump, for his presidency, for his and his family’s protection, and for God’s wisdom to guide him in all he does.
Please think about it. Most of us or none of us will ever meet him in person or influence him, yet our loving prayers for him and the United States of America can and will make all the difference in the world.
I for one, want to see the Miracle continue, not just for me but for all of our children, grandchildren, and the next generation to come.
There is nothing arguable about the criminality of the demonicrat opposition to Trump! Yet, as the true warrior he is, facing death, even getting shot, The Donald came through with a monumental victory. The Propagandia is lying about the size of his victory, naturally. His inaugural address was stunning. Trump is breathing life back into a country which was literally raped by the demonic rats in their Hellish hatred of independence (outside of perversion, the “freedom” they support). The sun is rising again on the freest county in all of World history. The Make America Great Again slogan which the globalists hate so desperately is marching forward now and if we can just keep the demonic rats out of power there is infinite hope for America!
Amen! ????
The Democrat party ought to have to refund the American people every cent for their made-up multi-million-dollar “Russia collusion” investigation attempting to thwart Trump! I’d be delighted if it just so happened to bankrupt the DNC at the same time!
The Dems hated President Trump in this country anyone can be president all except President Trump or any member of his family. They did all they could to stop him but he never gave up or gave in we needed President Trump and we have him back starting today on Monday and Biden left by jet with not many there to say bye bye to him it was great to see him fly out of Washington as most watched President Trump and all that was going on for him great to have him back in the White House along with his great First Lady so happy they are back in the White House.
Trump is the embodiment of, “Never give Up!”
Look at the battles Superman had, or the Lone Ranger, trying to protect the good of the land, however after all those years, it may be our turn to be reaching for a New Horizon, if Trump can help see them get it done! It may also involve ALL the people of the U.S. to help turn all those bolts in our own little worlds, to push this program forward to travel far out there in space! Far as we know, we think, there is no life out there. We are fortunate to have a team heading for the “New Frontier!” and now, it may be a sign, with the people standing strong beside Trump, which may be the first powerful step needed to protect that pathway for it to become our destiny. It’s a very big challenge, and we have no idea what all it may take, however it is so typical for the U.S.A.
It was asked in 2020 how President Trump would be remembered as a one term president. That part of the Trump presidency is not yet over.