
Elections , Newsline

Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kamala, Chameleon

Posted on Thursday, August 8, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Kamala Harris is the presumptive nominee for the Democrat party for 2024 and she will likely be the official nominee when the DNC convention takes place in a few weeks.  At that point, President Trump will be competing against one of the most far-left candidates to ever run for the White House.  That’s it – cut and dried.    

If an extremely liberal and deconstructionist position can be taken on any policy issue – from the economy and taxes, to health care, to global security and defense, to law and order, border security and immigration, and to our constitutional rights – Kamala Harris has embraced it and held it.  Held it, in fact, tightly, enthusiastically, and with the giddy, goofy, giggly spirit of a self-described “radical.” 

But now that the Democrat party absolutely has to win over moderate folks in the swing states, her unpalatable and frightening policy past is a problem that must be marginalized, if not completely removed.  So, she has quickly and concertedly worked to reverse course on a litany of previous remarks and stances – on everything from gun control to energy.  As part of that gambit, the media propagandists have been toiling feverishly to help erase any trace of her record – it is an effort so brazenly Orwellian, that it would make the historical revisionists in the Soviet Kremlin red with envy. 

Now, none of this is new of course.  The Democrats have always tried to tack back to the center in the general election after showing a different flag during the primaries.  And to be fair, politicians from both parties often do this dance – pandering to the base, then moderating for the broader electorate.  But the stunning 180-degree pivots that Kamala Harris is trying to execute are so dramatic, that the voters are going to have to head to the polls with neck-braces on because of the whiplash.  The examples are so numerous that one wonders whether she believes in anything at all.  

In recent years, for instance, she’s suggested that government should confiscate Americans’ firearms through mandatory gun “buy back” programs – mandatory meaning the citizens must obey the government and sell their firearms, likely at a financial loss.  But now that is being walked back because of how important the 2nd Amendment is to people in all of the key election states – from Michigan and Wisconsin, to North Carolina and Georgia, to Nevada and Arizona.  For the record, she also supported sending law enforcement door-to-door to confiscate your firearms.   

On the eve of the 2020 campaign season, on the topic of American fossil fuel energy production, she publicly and directly stated, without a hint of hedging, “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.”  Fast forward to 2024, her campaign insists that’s not at all what she wants to do.  It all sounds great until stupid ideas have real consequences for Americans and their livelihoods during election years. 

And not too long ago, she championed the idea of a government-run, government-owed “single-payer” health care system – telling us taxpayers “We need to have Medicare for all!”  But now…she’s not that into the idea.  I guess with a sputtering economy, high inflation, and rising costs for basic daily items, more taxation for wasteful and unpopular government programs doesn’t sit right with regular families after all.  

Frankly, these moves wouldn’t seem that desperate if her original positions weren’t so whacky.  But because she has always been such a radical, the only way to abandon and erase her past is to execute a campaign of drastic alteration.  There is no other way she can do it.  The question is, how many people will fall for the ploy? 

 Now, I’m certainly not the first person to suggest Kamala Harris is a political chameleon – a figure who alters their political persona in order to try and convince different audiences that she’s like them and worth their vote – but these latest moves to nullify her past positions should give the voters a lot of pause and concern.  And more importantly, which Kamala will the voters see?  The one who claims to be tough on crime as a prosecutor – or the backer of rioter bail-outs?  The anti-fossil fuel greenie who wanted to eradicate fracking – or a candidate who doesn’t want to destroy American energy independence because she needs to win Pennsylvania? 

For her entire political career, Kamala Harris has never seen an extremist liberal policy idea that she didn’t roundly and enthusiastically back.  For me, two truths cannot exist together in the same universe.  Kamala Harris is either a dyed-in-the-wool card-carrying lefty with unworkable, failed ideas that Americans don’t want and don’t like – or she’s just another slippery shape-shifter who you can only trust to do two things: not be honest and not possess any convictions or principles.  Who is she now?  Who will she be tomorrow?  Will Kamala come today to eliminate your private health insurance plan (that you like and would like to keep)?  Or will she go without a demanding the government own your access to health care?

November loving in your eyes all the way

If I listen to your lies, would you say

I’m a pol, without conviction

I’m a pol, who doesn’t show

How to sell, a contradiction

You come and go, you come and go

Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kamala Chameleon…you come and go…you come and go.

Martha Fain is a policy expert, strategic consultant and frequent commentator on issues of national importance.  She is Chairman of Vote America First and a Principal of Victory Coalition Strategies, LLC and has a J.D. from the Antonin Scalia School of law at George Mason University. 

Reprinted with Permission from Martha Fain

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Lieutenant Beale
Lieutenant Beale
1 month ago

Don’t be fooled by the seeming buffoonery and word salads that Kamala exhibits during speeches.
The Harris/Walz ticket is extremely dangerous to this nation.
AMAC doesn’t like links in posts on this forum but I would encourage you to visit Patriot Nurse message on you tube entitled “The REAL reason they picked Tim Walz” For those of you who are not familiar with Patriot Nurse, she is a God fearing woman with over half a million subscribers. The message is sobering and it needs to be said. Moreover we need to be on guard and stay vigilant. 13 minutes well spent.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 month ago

If (God Forbid!) Harris and Walz win the white house and democrats win the house and senate, don’t be surprised if all things she was for in 2019 and 2020, now supposedly opposes in 2024, come roaring back starting in 2025. In other words, don’t be surprised if she flip-flops again.

1 month ago

Let us not forget, a chameleon IS a lizard…

1 month ago


Bernard Paul Giroux
Bernard Paul Giroux
1 month ago

Democrats are the bane of our existence. As my better half told a radio talk show host one day: “Every Democrat who is Catholic should be excommunicated.”

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Had she had integrity and back bone we would not even know she were alive ,it is a total lack of conscience that put her where she is.

Brenda G
Brenda G
1 month ago

She is a chameleon. One other description is turncoat, traitor, selfish individual. I’m actually glad she hasn’t reproduced.Scary thought?

1 month ago

Why does she get to campaign from place to place on our tax dollars using official plane. She is not on official business. is Trump and Kennedy getting the same privilege?

Michael A. Walker
Michael A. Walker
1 month ago

What is a link where I could find her proposed legislation and attorney general record?

Richard Barnhart
Richard Barnhart
1 month ago

Of course she changes colors..she’s a fickle, emotional vessel of instability right down to the pronunciation of her name!!
Indian, African, Jamaican or American which is she? Which language does she speak? Who does she want to be? It’s public knowledge that her only linguistic language is English spoken with doublespeak!!
Despite spelling Kamala is “cam” and not “calm”! The English rules would require that a vowel followed by a single consonant and a vowel or nothing requires a “cam, am” sound. To have it her way would require a double consonant for a “calm, palm” sound. Pamala, Pamela, Kamala! A proper spelling should be Kalmala..unless of course you would to embody a total ignorance. A double consonant is required.
Is her insistence of pronunciation a hidden hatred for any thing that sounds white? What is her petty purpose about pronunciation of proper linguistics? If she wants a different pronunciation then she needs to have a proper spelling of the name.
The issue taken by her and anyone else over pronunciation is about ignorant and stupid as the article and has no relevance to Harris and her ability to be President of the greatest country in the world! Demoncrats ostracizing Biden and promulgating Harris is tantamount to the proverbial jumping out of the frying pan into the fire!!
God save America, please!!

Mark Timblin
Mark Timblin
27 days ago

Personally, I feel the whole lefty/shape shifter thing goes together. More like a…symbiotic relationship I guess.

30 days ago

‘ Chameleon ‘ In nature , a chameleon is an animal that changes its color so as to not be found out . ‘Chameleon’ is a word ascribed TO Kamala Harris , and is based upon observation of her changing her positions on various issues . She’s hiding right in front of us , right out in the open . She does not tell you herself that she is a chameleon . She would not tell you that she changes her position on issues as a mater of not being found out . Basically , she’s lying . She refuses to come clean on her stands . And she gets away with this trick by never accepting questions at a press conference . And , she also gets away with this because the Main Stream Media , the propaganda wing of the Democrat party , never bothers to vet her or ask her any serious questions . Could it be that she being a woman is not being vetted by the MSM because that would be to harsh for her ? Could that actually be the reason the MSM won’t vet her ? She got the Democrat nomination WITHOUT benefit of an election . Does she now also expect to get the presidency without vetting ? .

kameltoe harris
kameltoe harris
1 month ago


1 month ago

Get rid of her.

Steve Owen
Steve Owen
1 month ago

The 16th Century “Reformation” spread, in part, because of Luther’s “borrowing” of popular tunes for some of his hymns. Martha Fain has pointed us in that direction. I’m not musically inclined, but “Cackling Kamala, Cackling Kamala” has been playing in my head to the tune of “Waltzing Mathilda” for weeks – even before Walz joint the ticket. Perhaps we need some music contests to motivate musicians to apply their talents to spreading the alarm regarding this undemocratic process/ticket in a rememberable & fun way .

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
1 month ago

DESCRIPES HER PERFECTLY…Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kamala Chameleon…you come and go…you come and go. AND WE ALL HOPE YOU GOGOGOGOGOO AWAY!

Biden-Harris sending jobs to China
Donald Trump vs Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris in front of government building and a scale with falling money (spending cuts of government)

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