
Elections , Newsline

A New Era – Highlights From Trump’s Second Inauguration

Posted on Monday, January 20, 2025
by Shane Harris

Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States at 12:02 pm on Monday, capping off the most improbable political comeback in American history.

With the ceremony moved indoors for the first time since 1985 due to bitterly cold temperatures in the nation’s capital, the scene was slightly different from when Trump took the oath of office for the first time in 2017. But the bone-chilling air outside could not dampen the spirit of hope and optimism that seemed to radiate throughout the Capitol Rotunda.

Every time the Chief Justice swears in a new president, no matter who is taking office, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect on the incredible nature of the moment.

While it’s easy to take for granted today, what the country just witnessed – the peaceful transfer of power from one political faction to another – would have been totally astounding to most societies throughout human history. There have been very few former kings, emperors, or dictators. Even today, there are only 14 countries with democracies older than a century – and the United States has the distinction of being the oldest democracy in the world.

The American Founding Fathers had a radical idea that the people could govern themselves, and based on that idea they launched the American experiment. Each time we choose a new president, that idea is put to the test. During certain periods our governing model has been strained, but it has always prevailed. That it prevailed for the 47th time in 2025 is itself worth celebrating.

For Trump, the day began as it traditionally does for presidents-elect before their inauguration, with a service at St. John’s Episcopal Church just across the street from the White House. In a surreal moment, Trump then headed inside the executive mansion to have coffee and tea with his predecessor and one-time political rival Joe Biden. “Welcome home,” Biden reportedly said to Trump.

Following his swearing-in, Trump delivered a striking inaugural address, proclaiming “the golden age of America begins right now.”

“From this day forward, our country will flourish and be respected again all over the world,” Trump declared. “We will be the envy of every nation, and we will not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer.”

“Our sovereignty will be reclaimed. Our safety will be restored. The scales of justice will be rebalanced. The vicious, violent, and unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and our government will end. And our top priority will be to create a nation that is proud, prosperous, and free.”

Trump specifically called out the failures of the Biden administration, noting that “we now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home while at the same time stumbling into a continuing catalog of catastrophic events abroad.” That government has “given unlimited funding to the defense of foreign borders but refuses to defend American borders” and “can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency.”

“My recent election is a mandate to completely and totally reverse a horrible betrayal and all of these many betrayals that have taken place, and to give the people back their faith, their wealth, their democracy and, indeed, their freedom,” Trump continued, in perhaps the most fiery moment of his remarks. “From this moment on, America’s decline is over.”

Trump also infused some historical perspective into his speech, noting that he had “been tested and challenged more than any president in our 250-year history” – including when “an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear.” However, Trump said, “My life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.”

Trump gave a specific shoutout to Black and Hispanic voters, thanking them for “the tremendous outpouring of love and trust that you have shown me with your vote.” Noting that his inauguration was taking place on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Trump pledged to “strive to make his dream a reality.”

Trump next moved into listing a highly-anticipated slate of executive actions – the first of his campaign promises to be fulfilled.

“First,” Trump said, “I will declare a national emergency at our southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places from which they came.” Trump also promised to reinstate “Remain in Mexico,” end the practice of catch-and-release, and send troops to the southern border.

On the economy, Trump announced his intention to “direct all members of my cabinet to marshal the vast powers at their disposal to defeat what was record inflation and rapidly bring down costs and prices” – another core campaign pledge. He then laid out various other executive actions to increase domestic energy production, re-shore manufacturing jobs, protect free speech, uphold the truth that there are only two genders, reverse the Biden administration’s electric vehicle mandate, and reinstate military service members who were discharged for refusing the COVID vaccine.

Throughout his 30-minute remarks, Trump’s words were dripping with power and gravitas, speaking to the awe-inspiring nature of his path back to the White House.

When Trump concluded, country music legend Carrie Underwood treated the crowd to a stirring rendition of “America the Beautiful.” After the instrumental track failed to play, Underwood belted out the song a capella, with the audience joining in to create a moment that was sure to stir patriotic feelings in even the most ardent Trump critic.

As Trump prepares for his first full day in office tomorrow, Americans are eagerly anticipating the promised start of a new era.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
27 days ago

Our President’s greatest highlight was his incredible inaugural address speech. He gave it calmly and confidently right at and directly into the stunned faces of the leftists in attendance.

The President laid out in great dignity exactly the common sense plan of the next 4 years. What a brave and steadfast leader President Trump is leading us back the golden glory of America.

Dr Capitol
Dr Capitol
27 days ago

President Trump declared only a biological man can be men, and only biological women can be women. The sun has set on the weak and wicked wokeness of democrat division.

26 days ago

Good for Carrie Underwood for belting it out without the expected accompaniment. President Trump is doing the same–pushing ahead with his agenda with or without support from Congress. Many of those orders he signed yesterday were needed immediately instead of waiting months or years for congressional hearings and votes. I hope there is verbiage built into those EO’s that prevent a reversal if a democrat should be voted into office some day.

I didn’t think the president would deliver quite the address that he did, and if I were biden or harris, I would have melted in my seat from shame. What a great day it was!

Elizabeth Murphy
Elizabeth Murphy
26 days ago

Looking forward to getting back to common sense and dignity.

Emma Watson
Emma Watson
26 days ago

While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic.

26 days ago

Watching the inauguration of Trump and Vance was witnessing the rebirth of America. The restoration of trust, honesty, caring in our leaders. There were no lies, no cow towing to the billionaires or foreign nations. It was restoring the power to the people like our forefathers intended. Making America Great Again. But also make it safe again. United again. Common sense was restored. The power was given back to the people. He held an impromptu news conference while signing EO’s in the Oval Office. He answered every question and sometimes he had to educate the reporter asking the question. Because MSM didn’t do any investigative reporting the past 4 years. Just repeated the propaganda that came out of the White House. Many dem voters will learn in the next 4 years what truly has happened the last 4 years under Biden’s regime. He pardoned the Jan 6 committee why? Did they do something wrong? Fauci and general Millie? Why? Did they plot to overthrow the country? The same with his family members, pardoned them all. How does Biden sleep at night? We the people can sleep well the next 4 years. We need to, after what we had to endure the past 4 years, day in and day out.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
26 days ago

Hooray for the end of a dictatorship! Now, let’s ALL help MAGA! Crooked Joe went out as crooked as ever; pardoning his crime family! Let’s investigate them, bring them before Congress, then get them for PERJURY!
Donald trump acknowledged the GOD whom Joey mocked and blasphemed!

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
26 days ago

I told everyone I wasn’t celebrating New Year until January 20th! We watched all day Sunday and all day Monday. Thank you God for saving our country!

26 days ago

So glad we now have DT a true Commander N’ Chief. Good riddance to the traitorous JB & his crime family who sold out our great Country. They should all be in prison. There is still more garbage in Congress that needs to go. Hopefully soon.

Emma Watson
Emma Watson
26 days ago

27 is hardly bone-chilling. It was -18 when I got up this morning. ????

26 days ago

I enjoyed viewing this very upbeat event… especially, in the wake of a very “Deadbeat Democrat” performance by the now-ended “Biden Debacle Adminisration”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
26 days ago

Had 4 years to plan & project & look what we Reap IE + Reap

Annemarie Maynard
Annemarie Maynard
24 days ago

USA is not a “democracy” as stated above and recently iterated in many venues. Thd United States of America is a republic–as stated in the first sentence of The Pledge if Allegience, a pledge that used to begin the school day of every public school student in the nation as well as official functions of every scale. If we don’t articulate that we are a republic it will be forgotten, and we may degenerate from a republic to a democracy.

Lynne Pace
Lynne Pace
22 days ago

God bless DJT & God bless America!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
26 days ago

I’m not too happy Trump pardoned the worst of the J6 rioters. Its all CNN is talking about when the focus should be on Bidens family pardons! I do support pardons of those held for simply walking innocently in, many welcomed by Capitol police. But cop beaters? Those who caused damage? Let the punishment fit the crime! However, I’m not going to bust a gut over it… like CNN who needs no excuse to regain their TDS, so let’s not give them an excuse!

Mary Anne
Mary Anne
27 days ago

The planners had the timing down to the second, but the women who spoke and the invocations went on longer than expected. Then Vance’s trouble with getting his daughter in line took precious time; so the Constitutional hour for Trump to be sworn in had past and his family was still assembling behind him as the oath was being given. Mrs. Trump had not arrived beside the President and the Chief Justice had to go forward without Trump’s hand on his Bible. Everyone thinks Trump did not use the Bible as a message. The only message was that speakers should be given a time buzzer so that they do not prolong their part in such a ceremony.
Even before the exceedingly frustrating bisiness of Vance’s family, it was apparent that there was a coolness — almost iciness — between Trump and Vance. Trump barely spoke to him. Furthermore, it was a terrible mistake for the planners to put Mrs. Vance right behind Trump. She got more face time by far than Melania.

27 days ago

Some of your families and friends will suffer directly from the actions of this administration. The good news is you will somehow find a way to blame the Democrats.

JD Vance at MSC
Linda Mcmahon
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