Why Should a Veteran Pay for Medicare? – Ask Rusty
Dear Rusty: I am a Veteran and all my Medical needs are covered by the VA. Why should I be...
Spousal Benefits and Enrolling in Medicare – Ask Rusty
Dear Rusty: I will be 65 In March. Husband will be 61 In August. If I started collecting Social Security...
Hormones and Your Metabolism
What are hormones? Endocrinology, or the study of the endocrine system, is a complex branch of physiology. The key players...
Aging in Place: A Safety Checklist for Aging at Home
Sponsored by American Standard As we age, it’s a good time to ask ourselves how we may better equip our...
Using Health Savings Account (HSA) Funds while on Medicare – Ask Rusty
Dear Rusty: My understanding is that once I’m on Medicare the HSA cannot be used. I have prescriptions that cost...
Affordable Resort Lifestyle Can Be Yours
Sponsored by Thesman Communities It is exciting to be in the demographic of 50+! We’ve worked hard for our piece...
Scientists Have Grown Human Blood Vessels in a Petri Dish
Cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes, account for nearly 17.9 million deaths annually – that’s about 31% of...
Social Security for Couple With Large Age Difference
Dear Rusty: My wife is 63 and I’m 55. I’ve been the breadwinner for 37 years and draw almost $2000...
Ask Rusty – Will My Benefit Be the Same As My Current SS Statement...
Dear Rusty: I recently retired after over 40 years in the construction industry. I’m 60 years young and my wife...
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