AMAC in the Media

AMAC Supports Governor DeSantis’ Stop W.O.K.E. Act

Posted on Wednesday, January 12, 2022
AMAC Action

This legislation will work to stop state-sanctioned racism and gives the Florida Department of Education, parents, and employees the tools to fight back against CRT.



January 11, 2022

The Honorable Ron DeSantis

Governor of Florida

400 South Monroe Street

Tallahassee, FL 32399

Dear Governor DeSantis,

On behalf of the 2.3 million members of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens, including nearly 180,000 residing in the state of Florida, I write to offer our support for the Stop the Wrongs to Our Kids and Employees (W.O.K.E.) Act.

The majority of AMAC members are deeply concerned about the long-term moral decay in American politics, culture, and society. The divisiveness of Marxist-based ideologies, such as Critical Race Theory, are at the forefront of our members’ concerns.

America holds the distinction of being the only country to ever overcome slavery and racism. Given this fact, it is hard to believe that we need legislation like Stop W.O.K.E. AMAC is grateful for your diligence in safeguarding Florida’s children and employees. Your bill would rightly withhold taxpayer funding from school districts, colleges and universities that promote the racism Critical Race Theory seeks to reestablish in our nation. Your proposal would also codify prohibitions already set forth by the Florida Department of Education.

Thank you, Governor DeSantis, for introducing legislation that works to stop state-sanctioned racism and for giving the Florida Department of Education, parents, and employees the tools to fight back. AMAC appreciates the efforts of you and your colleagues to protect the educational process and is pleased to offer our organization’s full support for the Stop W.O.K.E. Act.


Bob Carlstrom

President, AMAC Action

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Lewis Walker
Lewis Walker
2 years ago

We must gather together a d stop CRT now before it spreads further.

2 years ago

Thank you AMAC for supporting this important legislation and supporting a true American

2 years ago

Just because it is big business, does not mean we should not try to do something about trying to stop the business.

2 years ago

Totally Agree With AMAC And Governor DeSantis! Woke Is Totally Causing Racism To Rear It’s Ugly Head! Not that long ago I was in line at the service desk of a grocery store and a Woman was not moving up to to be able to speak to the store manager. She was Texting. I simply said the people before you have left the area. She looked at me and told me to turn my cart around and go back where I came from. She was Black and I’m Caucasian. Reverse Racism Is Not Going To Help Anyone!!!

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Wait, a shoutout to ourselves for stopping the buying and selling of people. Yea !!

As for the overcoming of racism, we may have a little more work to do before we can put that one to bed.

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Wait, a shoutout to ourselves for stopping the buying and selling of people. Yea !!

As for the overcoming of racism, we may have a little more work to do before we can put that one to bed.

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